A few months back I had a guy reach out to me out of the blue, he wanted to license a photo I took 6 years ago. Needless to say finding a 6 year old photo was not easy, though it should have been ::insert reminder to developing a better photo archiving process here:: Regardless, he wanted to use my photo for a pilot that was being developed for CBS. Tonight the pilot aired, and I was able to watch it. I can’t tell you how cool it was to see my work on national television… even if it was only for maybe 2 seconds
I don’t think it was a coincidence that the show was God Friended Me. If you are reading this blog you know church and my faith are a big part of my life. So when it was explained to me what the show was about, I was even more thrilled. A show that is has a basis in faith on network television, how could I not want to be part of that! Plus I just finished watching it … and I gotta say it’s GOOD, nah, it was AWESOME! In this day in age I think it’s a show that NEEDS to be on network TV.
Needless to say my contribution was tiny, but I was really thrilled to be even a small part of it.
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